Our Class Spring Term Cycle B 2025
Welcome to Sparrowhawk Class this spring term! We are a mixed class of 12 year 3 children and 15 year 4 children.
Weekly things to note:
- Reading books and records need to be in school everyday. They will be checked, and changed on a Monday or Tuesday. Large comments do not need to be made, as long as the date, book title and adult initials are logged. Children can read to themselves if they are confident readers. This can just be initialed in reading records by an adult.
- P.E and Bury Rangers is on a Wednesday.
- Please come dressed in P.E clothes - Green t-shirt, navy-blue or black plain shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings and a school jumper or cardigan. Please no printed hoodies.
- Please bring a jumper, long trousers and boots or wellies to wear in the afternoon for Bury Rangers.
- Homework (spelling and math) is given out on a Friday due back in by Friday the following week. The is our way of communicating the current learning in class with you.
- Maths homework is now accessible via Freckle. Please find your child's login information inside the front cover of their reading record.
Other things to note
School uniform
Reading books changed
Reading records checked
School Uniform
P.E clothes
Bring Bury Rangers clothes in a bag (long sleeves, long trousers, school shoes and wellies or walking boots to change into)
School uniform
School uniform
Spelling & Math homework set.
Spellings and phonics
We use the Key Stage 2 spelling scheme 'Sounds and Syllables'. This is a specific spelling scheme which focuses on splitting words into their syllables to help spell them accurately. Children will draw upon their phonic knowledge from Sounds Write and apply this to spell longer words. Every week they will spend 4 days learning a particular spelling pattern and some example words that demonstrate this spelling pattern. On a Friday, they will bring a list of 10 of these words home to practise.
Mrs. Barnes also teaches spellings on a Friday and focuses on the Y3/4 statutory spelling list, 5 words at a time. They are taught these on a Friday and practise them every morning at 08:40 when they arrive at school.
Please see this half term's overview to see the spelling patterns mapped out week by week.
Homework expectations
The children bring home a list of 10 spellings on a Friday to practise at home. This also communicates with you what their spellings have been that week. We will not test them on these words. If they do choose to complete the spelling homework, please encourage them to verbally split the word accurately into its syllables and spell each syllable individually using phonic knowledge. They can bring this back to school if they wish or keep them at home.
The children are expected to read at home every day for 5-10 minutes, preferably out loud to an adult. The children have a yellow reading record where their reading should be logged every day. In the back of their reading record is a fold out which has questions and discussion starters to use during or at the end of reading. Dojos will be awarded to children who read at home regularly. Please ensure that their reading record and school reading book (if they are on a coloured book band) are in school everyday. We use these to listen to the children read. Reading books will be changed on a Monday.
Times Tables Practice
The children are expected to spend 5 minutes every day on Times Tables Rockstars to practise their times tables recall. The children earn certificates, awarded in Monday afternoon assemblies, under these categories 'most coins earned', 'increase in accuracy' and 'increase in correct answers'. The children get to dress up as rockstars, wear rockstar wigs, hold inflatable guitars and pose for a rockstar photograph when they receive a 1st place certificate.
Please could year 4 children complete at least 1 soundcheck game 4 days a week as this resembles the multiplication check they will be doing in June and will give them an opportunity to become familiar with the layout.
Freckle (Maths)
We are using a computer program in the classroom called Freckle. With Freckle, your child has been able to practice Math at his or her own ability level! We will also set up assignments in the ‘From my Teacher’ section. Your child has been accessing Freckle regularly in school and is now able to access it from home.
Freckle homework
I am excited to share with you that Key Stage 2 maths homework will now be set through Freckle.
As previously shared with you all, maths homework is a way of communicating with you the current maths learning in school that week.
It is also an opportunity for the children to have extra practise to secure their understanding. Homework will continue to be set weekly and will be accessible through your child's Freckle login from Friday each week.
They will find the homework assignment under 'From my Teacher' and it will be named 'Homework + date'.
Your child will have one week to complete the homework assignment.
Please do not help them with the assignment but do have a look at what they are doing so you are informed of the current learning in class.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a reward system we use alongside another behaviour system called Good to be Green. Class dojo is an online platform where parents can be involved and notified when their child has received a dojo for something positive in school, and what they have achieved it for. Please let me know if you need any help accessing this.
Good to be Green
Good to be Green is a behaviour system in which all children begin each day with a green card. The children are given a verbal warning about their behaviour if appropriate. If they continue to disrupt or break a school rule, they will be given a yellow card. The consequence of this is that they must spend part of their next play time reflecting on their choices either verbally or written. If a behaviour continues, the child will be given a red card. This means they will be asked to see Mr Moore and a phone call will be made home.
Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in the classroom every day.
Please only send lunch boxes, water bottles, reading books and coats to school. Please do not send pencil cases into school. We provide all the stationary they need. Quite a lot of jumpers and cardigans went missing last term, please could you check that names haven’t washed out of the labels so we can help reunite them with their owners.
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers