Science Rationale

Science at Bury 
Here at Bury School, we teach Science using a hands-on, practical approach making full use of the natural environment to support teaching and learning of the National Curriculum. 
We have developed knowledge organisers that demonstrate the key learning that will be covered during science units, directly linked to the National Curriculum. These knowledge organisers are the starting point of all science planning and individual lessons will be developed from here, ensuring coverage of all objectives and clear progression throughout the primary years. 
All Key Stage 1 Science objectives are covered through Bury Rangers lessons, taught by the class teacher, or another class teacher from within the school. 'Bury Rangers' are our weekly environmental based lessons. We have developed plans that allow children to access the science curriculum outside in the natural environment all year round. When learning about habitats, plants, animals and materials, the children will do so outside, linking their learning to the environment that they know. Their work is collated into a 'Floor Book' for each year group. This is a large book that includes a variety of written observations and quotes by children, recorded by teaching staff, photographs, written work and drawings to record the children's learning each week. These books are shared in class throughout the year to aid retrieval and to celebrate their science learning. 
Many Key Stage 2 Science objectives are also taught through Bury Rangers. Objectives and units that lend themselves naturally to be taught using out local environment have been carefully selected and planned for to make the most of this link. National Curriculum science units that are more appropriately taught within the classroom remain as a separate lesson to Bury Rangers, also taught by the class teacher. Key Stage 2 Science is also recorded in Floor Books as explained above, but they also have their own individual Science books to record more detailed science observations and investigations where appropriate. 
Please look through our Knowledge Organisers page to science plans in more detail.