School Organisation

Our school day starts at 8:40 and finishes at 15:15 (with optional clubs until 16:30 and optional child care until 17:30) 
The number of pupils on roll in September 2024 is 89. There are four classes:
Little Owl Class - Reception children
Kestrel Class - Year 1 and Year 2 children;
Sparrowhawk Class - Year 3 and Year 4 children;
and Buzzard Class - Year 5 and Year 6 children.
All of the staff know and work with all of the children here at Bury and we pride ourselves on all knowing everyone. The children can often be taught by a different teacher to normal because that teacher has a particular expertise in a given area. This not only means your children are always getting expert teachers, it also means transition points in school cause little to no anxiety as everyone already knows everybody. In truth, no amount of words can really convey this; you need to come and experience it for yourselves.
Each week your child will take part in our own 'Bury Rangers' sessions where the children learn a particular aspect of the curriculum out in the school grounds - think Forest School with tighter curriculum links. Parents are always welcome to volunteer and join in with these sessions.
We are also very fortunate to have a specialist music teacher working with us and providing all children with high quality music lessons on a termly basis.  Programmes of study are planned in advance so that all year groups within a class are working on the same theme but focusing on the objectives specific to the individual child.

The school belongs to a group known as Petworth Area Schools and a larger group called the Rother Valley Schools which encompasses the schools that feed into Midhurst Rother College. However, given our location and the fact that children join us from far and wide; the children move on to a variety of secondary and private schools after their time with us. Staff from the schools share expertise and endeavour to enable children from the different schools to work and play together when possible - from poetry sessions, to guest speakers to sport tournaments.