

Bottle green cardigan or sweatshirt embroidered with school logo.

Grey skirts, gingham green dress, grey trousers or shorts.

White button necked polo shirt, grey or white socks or bottle green/grey tights.

Suitable dark shoes. Sling back shoes, open toes and heels are not allowed.


PE Kit:

Green T-shirt, black shorts (track suits may be worn in the winter for outside lessons), plimsolls or trainers.

Shin pads are needed for children in Sparrowhawks and Buzzards.


Bury Rangers:

Wellington boots, outside clothing appropriate to the weather conditions, Bury Rangers hoodies can also be bought as an additional option and worn for Bury Rangers or PE.


Uniform can be obtained from  https://www.sussexuniforms.co.uk 


Uniform donation & provision

FOBS provide a wheelie bin collection point in the playground every day for collecting any washed and clean items of:

School shoes, PE shoes and trainers and wellies

School jumpers, cardigans, dresses, trousers, skirts, hoodies, PE t-shirts and polo shirts

Christmas Jumpers/outfits (seasonal)

 FOBS then sort and sell to parents and guardians after school every third Monday in each month. It is taken as a simple cash donation towards the school.

 If parents require any second-hand items at any other times, they can easily contact FOBS on fobs@bury.school who can help with this.